links and love

this is where all of my loves stay. whether they are quite unaware, or feel pleasantly flattered because i have chosen to do so--i thank each and every presence owning these precious and lovely places. i Love:
  • jessica mullen (she has an inspiring grasp on vibrations and the higher Source energy)
  • kelly cree (living the Universal Laws and posting about all of their abundant truths in her life)
  • Gala Darling (everyone's favorite international playgirl; a magnetic presence)
  •  (perfectly positive and spreading it like fire)
My Dear, Awesome Friends
  • blair jones -- she's my age, so i don't feel like such an elderly hag. and she's awesome! been with me through my engagement, breakup, and life afterwards.
  • kim PSEUDOVISUAL --she's a seriously cool lady, and there just aren't enough of us around. and i adore catching up with her and her adventures via her cool blog.
  • jayla escribir le verdad -- AWESOME writer, and i know about the quality of words. see for yourself!
  • anoir The Public Treehouse -- my little bro's Ole Lady. i adore my sister-out-law, and her blog is great! she's weirdly a kindred spirit of mine, and she's a smarty-pants university girl.
  • so, so, SO many other numerous and amazing friends that i have been enjoying exchanging and sharing with in the blogosphere that i can only efficiently organize and display as a collective in my splendid Blogroll, which unfolds in full below:
(would you be interested in being added here? or would you like for me to subscribe or "Follow" you along with gaining place among the rest of the jewels in my entire, irresistible personal Blogroll below, just full of ALL of the most splendid and favorite Reads by some very dear friends of yours truly? then let's be friends! i adore making new friends! drop me a line about it and let's make it happen!)

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Think about how it feels before you submit--my only policy. And check back for responses/replies! I strongly encourage and often give feedback!