Praises About Me, and All of This
"I admire in you the qualities that I want to see grow in me: resilience, diligence, eloquence, ability to apply makeup like a lady in a infomercial, etc. You’ve got this Libran thing all figured out..." -- K.
Cherry on Lifestreaming
(as to do with cherry and her lifestream; a different take is found at my Blogger Profile.)
i know what all of this is about because i know what my Life is about:

this is my lifestream. this is my digital incarnation. it is a tribute to my ego. it is a social project that i am throwing myself headfirst into to fuel me for ages. it is FUN. it is exactly what i want to be doing right now. it feels GOOD. the purpose here is to focus my energies and to intend while i go about deliberately designing my Life experience. i know what i don't want--and thus, i know even more of what i DO want. this is a terrific whitespace and method of organization and reflection. it is practical in that i can more physically focus on subjects and direct myself into more fully Allowing the desires of my Life to rendezvous with me--and this lifestream keeps an ongoing record of my expansion. and i'll just say again how fun it all is for me!
i complete reflective exercises, line up my energy, heighten my Vibrations, pivot and direct my thoughts for my own Well-Being, indulge in awesome commentary/crow about my magickal Life, and generally track my evolution. i stay dedicated to what i Love, and ask for the Universe to deliver unto me more of the same (which it always does). i plan out becoming a cooperative vibrational component so that i can go about intentionally causing more of my desires to manifest before me (and they do). i visualize means to accomplish my goals. i portray and work towards acquiring the life of my dreams via practicing the scientific method of attractive, magnetic, and deliberate design. i freely offer advice, indulge in my passions, have a social blast, and expand my project here and expand Myself as well in numerous ways. my lifestream eagerly documents this phenomenon for my own viewing and for the eyes of visitors and readers who hopefully can find some inspiration to seek acquiring the lives of their dreams, and find emotional resonance inside of themselves from spending time here.
Cherry on Her Awesome, Magickal Self
i'm a progressed undergrad, a feisty little something, the very best waitress you know, a bathroom burlesque performer, a versed literary type, and a romantic caught being a realist at times. i use absent capitalization according to my whims. i use elevated and sometimes arcane diction and spellings (like "magick" and "masque"). i enjoy books more than three meals a day; take that how you will. mostly "capital-L Literature for me (i shamelessly choose to include old Anne Rice works in this, even if she is a most gifted contemporary author who tragically ended her dear Vampire Chronicles and manifestos of le Marquis de l'Auvergne and the "Wolfkiller" Lestat de Lioncourt--she is still the Queen of the Vampires and was a superstar way before someone poorly wrote and published their tacky wet dream disguised as a paranormal romance for young adults missing good taste and culture as the author is...). reading the classics is like having tea with my best friends ever. oh, Dante, Voltaire, Dickens, Wilde, Beckett, and Elliott--my loves! i am falling more and more in Love with myself everyday, and so are onlookers. it really does only come down to me knowing that there's nothing more important than that i feel GOOD. Life is not happening to me, it is following me. and i'm having one magickal adventure in it.
here's to me Allowing me to return to and more fully become Myself in all of my imminent splendor. here is Rousing Venus.
- cherry--me, NOT a nom de plume at all. a nickname / endearment-turned-actual established identity that has stuck with me for several years now. i respond to it as innately as one would to a birth name. call me cherry--some of my best friends that i have ever made in my entire life know me only as such! ask them for my name, and this what you'll get, along with some smiles and fond memories.
- Venus--♀, the second planet from the sun, planet of my astrological sign, Libra, the Roman goddess of Love, Aphrodite in Greek mythology, associated with the female sex, feminism, love, passion, sensuality, sexual desire, erotic beauty, seduction, balance, charm, air, and all sorts of lovely things that have an emotional resonance within me; my latent, inner muse awakening and approaching the surface.