Methods of Reaching Me:
- -- my lifestream's ever available home for your adventuring
- my Blogger Profile -- some more details from Blogger about the lady herself for you to gander
- -- ever available and preferred email address of my digitally designed incarnation (include a subject and any references that i might need to make our magical, Top-Secret correspondence a complete pleasure for us both! it's the best this way.)
- my Google Profile -- Google Connect it ALL, Baby. includes other links of mine (Facebook, Picasa, YouTube, what-have-you). for your welcome nosing about. you can never lose me! ...who would want to--and haven't i told you all this before?
- -- my Google Voice Number! go ahead and give me a ring, or just phone in to hear my silly voicemail greeting and thick accent (and feel free to leave a silly message for me; i LOVE getting them!). (you can call *by using the widget, preferably*, leave me a voicemail, or even send me an SMS txt message -- how cool! the direct number to my line is: (601) 871-0635). and you'll surely enjoy me getting back to you!)
Send a Love Letter (Quick Contact Form):

(when sending a Love Letter my way, include page titles or any other info to which you are referring, as well as any further details that i might need to aid in my responding to you! i respond quickly to ALL of my mail from each of you Loves of mine.)
Send Your Love Letter to Cherry-Belle LaReine