- jessica mullen (she has an inspiring grasp on vibrations and the higher Source energy)
- kelly cree (living the Universal Laws and posting about all of their abundant truths in her life)
- Gala Darling (everyone's favorite international playgirl; a magnetic presence)
(perfectly positive and spreading it like fire)
My Dear, Awesome Friends
- blair jones -- she's my age, so i don't feel like such an elderly hag. and she's awesome! been with me through my engagement, breakup, and life afterwards.
- kim PSEUDOVISUAL --she's a seriously cool lady, and there just aren't enough of us around. and i adore catching up with her and her adventures via her cool blog.
- jayla escribir le verdad -- AWESOME writer, and i know about the quality of words. see for yourself!
- anoir The Public Treehouse -- my little bro's Ole Lady. i adore my sister-out-law, and her blog is great! she's weirdly a kindred spirit of mine, and she's a smarty-pants university girl.
- so, so, SO many other numerous and amazing friends that i have been enjoying exchanging and sharing with in the blogosphere that i can only efficiently organize and display as a collective in my splendid Blogroll, which unfolds in full below:
