NOT dead. in fact, i've been busy and wearing my Wonder Woman gear: lasso, invisible jet, funk band playing my theme song...
"aww, Cherry! you change men like you do with your underwear!"
actually, sometimes i don't even wear under things.
my snail mail to him: here's No. 2 |
shock value: Mein Kampf |
HOT, right? | . |
the storms totally tore through the South. it's as if we can't catch a break! my old town is all BUT leveled, but my friends have high spirits and strength. i've been praying like no other time.
Yaya is a slut and got pregnant. she delivered seven babies March 30th. someone is driving down from Lexington today to pick up one of the little buggers for adoption in response to a craigslist ad of mine. we simply have no extra room for so many more pets! and that's saying something because i live out in the country on three acres of land, surrounded by trees and ponds. it's bittersweet, but Yaya has to remain my main baby. i'm keeping one of her puppies; I've named her Dixie Diamond, the jewel of the South. kawaii!
my undies! |
oh! and Nic Sheff has been ALL over my mind. here he is in the bookstore where I work (and play):
gosh, i'd love to meet him. all the more reason to finish MY novel. |
YES: i'm studying for the MCAT AND writing a book at the same time... |
also, just have to say how proud i am of
LIZ! you go, you! you are such a beautiful and powerful force! i would definitely vote for you and rig the votes (if this was a National election and i was managing Florida's ballots).
i'll make a proper return. this roundup stands only to prove that i am alive and well. speaking of which, the Osama bin Laden news couldn't be more major and difficult to fully absorb at once!..
i'll get back to y'all, all of my dear friends, SOON.