Tuesday, August 4, 2009

blog promotion for prostitutes and rockstars.

as a self-proclaimed blogging connoisseur, as proved by an existence in the Blogosphere since the mid 90s, i'm going to have so much fun with this post: i remember back, at least a decade ago, to my early days of internet whoring.. my own hosted website at an emo-named domain, LiveJournal and OpenDiary have been the instruments of my crime and vanity. my classmates and i had a circle of our vapid overshares in online diary form because we were just so cool. i've read and commented on drug abuse, oral sexin' of boyfriends, beer bashes, debates on how punk the band AFI really was / is, and other  components in the Wasteland of Teenage Angst.

as i got older and the threat of jailtime as well as permanent reputation harm became more real, i matured and formed a more purposeful vision for blogging. i got diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated my stability online for my own welbeing, sans too many description of sexual encounters, bad music, blue hair dye, and wrist slicing. what i also got interested in was actual promotion. who would have thought that the world was bigger than just myself?! while my classmates were a supportive and depressing audience, i knew that my real friends lived in the computer, states, and even countries, away. how did i reach out to them?

  • the gURL.com messageboards has a nice community of ladies who would love to jump on your blog posts if you return the favor. don't forget a shameless and artistic plug in your signature complete with a kissy picture of you and your boyfriend / girlfriend!
  • if you're really vain, head to Plugboard.org and link your space with a cute button
  • leave comments on other folks' blogs, network, be vain and cool
  • join webrings, blog carnivals, etc.
  • read some articles from Miss Gala Darling twice
  • how to make money from your blog and why to never get a job
  • Problogger.net, enough said
good luck! and if you become a millionaire celebrity with tons of readers, send me a nice thank you note!


  1. I love to get blogs from gurl.com!
    I love your blog too.
    You probably (might not...) remember me blogging before?
    I made a new one because i always need a new fresh start.
    yet you have had this blog for a good amount of time.
    its crazy!

    BTW, how do I follow you...i cannot figure it out and i really wan too!!! :( (yes. I am a little bit stupid when it comes to that...)


Think about how it feels before you submit--my only policy. And check back for responses/replies! I strongly encourage and often give feedback!