the cause of all negative emotion is caused by a disruption of the body's energy systems.
hmm. by accessing the body's energy meridian endpoints, one can self-administer treatment and correct this disruption--kind of like toying with the antennae on my television when the picture is full of static.
whatever? nope. EFT is real. it's founded by a doctor as an alternative form of treatment for all sorts of conditions: depression, weight loss, PTSD, war memories, phobias, and EVERYTHING. it's like acupuncture without the needles. it seems a bit unorthodox, because i'm only familiar with Western medicine, but Asian cultures have been using this subtle, but powerful form of treatment for ages! what's stopping everyone else?
so with Emotional Freedom Technique, veterans of war have been cured of their stress disorders, clinically depressed people have learned to cope naturally when years of meds and therapy have failed, and folks with severe aquaphobia now enjoy beach trips for the swimming? YES!
"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."
- Eric Robins, MD
it's really simple: all you need is your hand. say an affirmation and follow with a sequence of tapping on various energy endpoints [which are close to the body's surface] and one can witness profound mental AND physical healings immediately. and according to the writer of the official manual, you don't even need to believe that it's working for results to occur!
so call me crazy. "crazy!" and i agree that tapping on my chin, my hand, etc. looks silly and that something as subtle as touch can physically heal people with severe problems seems unrealistic. BUT, i've been trying it regularly now at the urging of a friend and the science has loads of affirmative case studies as proof. there was nothing to lose and in my experience, i've been feeling even more peachy when one of my emotions or problems get to me deeply on rare occasions: anger, fear, insomnia, feeling overwhelmed and tired on Monday mornings.
want to try it? go to the official website, download the 80 page manual, watch the videos, teach yourself and study the science, do your research... there's nothing to lose. you can tap about anything. and who knows?.. you could really be doing something nothing short of amazing for improving your already royal life! if you have success [or any type of experience for that matter] i'd love to hear about it! please drop me a line!
for the impatient who would rather just dive right in, here is another link to tempt you: EFT on a Page. good luck.
and PS--i got hired today!!! thanks to my fiance's sister [my sister now too], i've got a new job downtown! i've just finished with my RCIA meeting [to help in my decision to convert to Catholicism], and my hair is full of beautiful curls. today has been SO peachy!
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