Wednesday, April 1, 2009


i'm excited and scared. after a skipped period and a month of feeling funny, i'll reveal that me and Andy are pregnant.

we're going to have a polka-dotted or a zebra-striped biracial baby. it's going to be gorgeous apparently if folks already literally stop and tell us that the "caramel-colored" babies [that i have no choice but to have] will be cute, cute, cute. our kids will learn to play fiddle/violin instead of watch TV. they'll read comics and classic stuff. we're having a courthouse wedding soon. we just need $30 for the license and matching syphilis tests. rings are inexpensive, but not important. we might go the sterling silver route. i won't be wearing the dress that i already have; i've got a suit. or maybe i'll just wear my high school cheerleading uniform. we'll eat at Taco Bell afterward and celebrate with sherbet punch and bootleg movies. i'll get a name change kit to officially be Cherry Dillon. my life will be complete.

my life will be over.

Happy April Fools' Day!
this has been a bad joke. i hope that i don't have to explain to anyone that my uterus is actually empty. no baby for me. i'm too selfish/broke/busy. hope that i've reminded you to use contraception! use a condom, shake hands, and be on your way!


  1. Haha, good one! At first I was like, :O, but then I got it, lol.

  2. xD Duude! I was like, "Whaaa???... ooooh... xDDD"

  3. that was good! and this is why I read your blog! :)


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