Monday, April 6, 2009

how else but through a broken heart may Lord Christ enter in?

i feel my depression taking a downward turn. i don't have motivation to blog or comment these days--sorry. not to mention, i've got a couple of exams to study for. i can't stay in a chipper mood all of the time! i need some space and time. i need my new book and tangible comfort. i need my family, my doctor, and my boyfriend [and maybe a new PS2 game]. hopefully Easter Break will be filled with this for me. it's about time for me to slow down and experience life. it's about time that somebody serenaded me and then did other stuff to me. i feel really awful, and i hate myself for getting like this. depression is a real issue and it should be managed. silly me for not taking care of myself! have a great week and i'll return all better very soon!


  1. You should go to a pentecostal church. All the singing and cheering and praising will lift up your spirits.

  2. Just chill out - Easter Break is near!

  3. Hopefully you'll feel better soon. Easter Break will definitely give you a chance to relax. :D

  4. I know that feeling. I hope you have some fun!

  5. awwww get better and hurry back! :)

  6. You should definitely start feeling better over the break. Your body is probably still in withdrawal since spring break ended :p I know mine is!


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