Tuesday, May 5, 2009

quotes [and happy summer]!

i'm not going to have time to really, formally blog again until after this week. so everyone have a great start of summer! i know that I'M going to :)

and i leave you with these cutsie things i picked up from photobucket:


  1. I like the Harry Potter one. Too true. ;P

  2. "I understand the concept of cooking & cleaning. Just not as it applies to me." Sooo something I would say. Enjoy the start of summer. ♥

  3. haha, these are great. Harry Potter is amazing.

    Sorry I was too busy to comment on all of your recent posts. Girls can be really catty and bitchy and it's terrible... That's why I hang out with nearly all guys :)

  4. lol I like the stairs one.


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