Sunday, December 19, 2010

ahh, mundane magic-making!

a pretty lady. can you see the Magick here? would that you could feel it!
i Love the support and admiration that i have been attracting to my lifestream! yes, please. more of this. thank you, authors of PSEUDOVISUAL and escribir la verdad, for stopping by with nice things to say/being interested in having blogger friends. both of you run very lovely blogs, and i have told you myself previously! if you'd like, i can link you within my "links and love" page, where all of my loves stay.

thank you, Universe, for being such a magickal force when we couple our reactions! that's REAL chemistry, for ya! i actually get deeply into feeling the Love that i feel for various subjects in my life, and it sends me right into my Vortex. i feel the Love, and the subjects of my Love get augmented. the more i give Love, the more Love is refracted unto Myself. it is so. 

i Love being friends with this 6-foot-five blonde man with blue eyes who can play the hell out of an AFI song on his guitar and who looks delicious when shirtless. i Love all of the good feelings that i have experienced from my entire assortment of friends, acquaintances, lovers, and even those who make me their arch nemesis. i am eternally grateful for the opportunity to co-create with them, for their insight, for their Love, and for any and all of their energies that they have so graciously donated and directed towards me. it's a gift. it's opportunity. it's ALL apart of helping me more fully become Who-I-Really-Am. so, whatever you may think of me, i'm saying thank you to the entire population of you! thank you, thank you, thank you, mes cheres. and whether you care for it or not, there is Big Love coming from me and being sent in your specific direction right now with immense force. i will not inhibit myself from loving. i will not. i will Love abundantly and in immense measure. there is no excess. there is no limit to the amount of Love that i can give, thus no limit to the heights that my life can approach. so, thanks for that also. Love, and love, and love forever.

but, yes--back to this hot man. i can only imagine the intense good feelings that will surely come from the Universe at work on my behalf surrounding this subject. i've got to take the emotional journey, and i undertake it very gladly!

dinner is here! it seems that i have attracted some french fries into my life after craving them for a while. this always happens to me when i become very connected to my Inner Being. the flow becomes infinitely synced for a while, and i'm deeply in the Vortex! folks ask in awe, What has happened to you?

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