i Love having and keeping my lovely, not-so-little lifestream here! i get so much joy from maintaining it! dot.tk is truly a jewel of a resource; i'll never pay for an expensive dot.com when what i have is free, co.cc and the like are free, and dot.info's are so much less expensive and just as good as dot.com. and i LOVE that there is a True Blood marathon running on HBO right now; i swear, Momma hasn't heard anything that i've been telling her since it began, even after i bought her a book that she had been wanting for a while today! but i can understand. this is one contemporary vampiric sphere who's take i actually don't detest. i am quite enthralled really. and it doesn't hurt that the filming has been done here in Mississippi--and that Bill is gorgeous!
i have a date on the 30th with a gorgeous older man with a Master's Degree: he's tall, blonde, has wide shoulders, large forearms, big hands, amazing blue eyes, and a great pink mouth, and a rugged handsomeness about him. and he's old-fashioned, yet cultured and refined, and a completely interesting gentleman. wow! i'm so good at giving away compliments! i should give some to myself more frequently. and i've come a very long way from the boys that i used to give my time to. i'll only say that they left too much to be desired, and that as a grown woman, i am enjoying the company of all of my established, male friends. i've even dated a 28 year-old Doctor from "River City" for a while! i laugh when i think about what i have left behind in the dust, and i laugh some more when i daydream about what i am arriving upon with every new day. i Love my Life! and who wouldn't?!
and it seems that i have made some people uncomfortable, angry, embarrassed, or unsettled from what i've been posting. and i never needed the proof, but it is blatantly confirmed that i am absolutely doing many, many things correctly. that i am. thank you for reminding me and proving it for yourself after your own experimentations born from your own so "precious" resources donated in my direction. and it justly has no emotional resonance within me. my hit counter is to blame--but then again, it cannot track what was not there to be read and counted. c'est la vie. there has to be a sense of openness adopted by someone who enters the Web. if there's anything to hide, or password-protect, or mollify, then keep away. i've got nothing to hide. in fact, i feel like i'm the best prepared student at a Show and Tell session. i'm always only bragging/crowing about my magickal life all of the time.
i'm missing True Blood right now! i've just GOT to get back to it! between the show, my desktop wallpaper, and remnants from my imminent PM meditation, i'm going to have sweet dreams. and speaking of sweet, i feel like i'm getting closer to actually quitting smoking! switching to an unattractive flavour really has turned me off (somewhat). i'll keep track of my progress with that.

Yay dates! Those are so thrilling even if they haven't happened yet, the anticipation always kills me :)
ReplyDeleteAh True Blood, I wish I kept up with you. Eric Northman is too divine.
Quitting smoking is a trial, took me ages but mostly I stopped due to the fact that I lost my favorite cigarette case.