MERCY! i love looking at me
some pretty blue eyes and pink lips! think my date liked
it's about
TIME and time again for this Momma (wait, i don't
have any babies--just a bad, bad puppy, thank God)
to start having fun like before: after
the most serious breakup of my life thus far, and
being uncomfortably busy with school, work, and plain ole being responsible in general,
i've been so wound up in things that don't feel like a Saturday afternoon massage, if you can understand me.
so i put on my discounted, purple little Wet Seal dress, slapped on some
mark. makeup (that i used to sell! okay, i just bought it all for myself) with my best skill, and fit on my newest wig for a night out at a restaurant
sitting across from a 6 foot plus tall blonde Adonis from Baton Rouge, LA. he is
so hot! and
so charming!
but i didn't kiss him; i restrained myself from assaulting the unsuspecting older man. he's got a few years (and several, several inches,and a Master's Degree) on me, and the chemistry was unbeatable. thick to the point of nearly being visible. i couldn't have penned something better in story.
i am so thrilled and excited to see how the Universe can work with my desires surrounding this! i hope i have a reason to get back on the NuvaRing! condoms are not my preferred method.
pretty woman, for sure! |
ahhh, maybe we'll ride four wheelers in the mud in Forest next time. or see a movie and have wine upstairs by a fire at his house...
oh, YEAH-- he insisted on a next time.
did i already explain that he is a very smart man? i'm done bragging for now.
but feeling good with high energy is the way to get the Universe moving with you in your desired direction, so i'll go crow to some family members now. my mommy is already down my back asking for every detail. she's so adorable. i love her more than most anything and she's the best friend i've ever had--
PLUS, she gave me some super high-quality genes with Dad's help.
this is the best type of inheritance, if you ask my opinion. i always tell beautiful women just how beautiful that i think that they are, and i got my fair share of returned compliments just tonight,
will i be single for my new adventures too? |
i don't
care if any of my exes are kicking themselves (which they are). i don't
care about any other woman. i'm simply pumping
gallons of energy into my own
fairytale of a life and riding all good feelings as far as they can take me.
this is all about me. because if i'm not the absolutely best woman that i can be, then i'm absolutely no good to anyone, or anything else! if i put so much energy into loving myself first and feeling my best, then everything else deliciously falls into place: i won't
need to find anything extraneous to take the place of being personally grounded. even when i have been heartbroken or depressed in the past, i've never been a girl to rebound into some condition out of desperation. i've stayed single for
years. i didn't carry around with me
a fear of missing out on something. because, you know what?
i've got it all already. and other people can sense that, and then the
correct, deserving people will enter into my sphere and rendezvous with me appropriately. in example: Larry, Andrew, Antonio... they're all GONE.
vamoose! seriously, with this high of excitement, joy, and giddyness, i am mentally sending each
evil, all-wrong ex of mine to Hell. each enemy of mine can have her fill of hating me while i offer them no energy (except in sending them to Hell and declaring just how much that i don't need them--
they need ME to hate and fill the void in THEIR lives!).
i am high-fiving myself! i am thanking my mother for taking hot pictures of me and giving me the best tested and tried first date advice! i am thanking Cosmo magazine for their tip on pairing a sexy party dress with a cropped biker jacket! i am thanking my job for allowing me to make awesome tip money enough to buy the glamorous, new wig that i am donning! i am thanking the Waffle House on I55 North for being short of servers and scoring me (or, actually one of my brothers who need the money more) an invitation to apply for the job tomorrow at 7! DAMN! do
you want some of this magic that i have earned and created for myself?! i am mentally sending it out in waves in
YOUR direction, if you so desire to smile as infectiously large as i am on tonight!
and he ended our tryst with a big, lovely hug and a
"You smell SO good!" and a "
If we're being candid, you have a lovely, lovely smile. You are now etched in my thoughts... for better or worse. Hopefully better." now, that's what i'm talkin 'bout!
my friends, i am back. i cannot wait to catch back up with all of you. and you better have some good news for me to celebrate with you about!
see you then, my loves.
Big Love your way,
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