“Going from Clinical Depression to Having the Midas Touch in Your Regal Life!”
(not to be re-sold or used for profit without explicit consent given from the author, cherry, at www.rousingvenus.co.cc)
This is my first article in what is surely to be a series of premium, downloadable content.
(i was originally going to let this go for from $3-$5, but i feel too inspired to share. click "go on" below..)
Introduction and Overview
I just have to say, that it is nothing less than my immense pleasure, and a method to tickle my fancy and gain joy, to be writing this and sharing this with you. You see, I'm a first-hand testimony and walking-proof to the startling success behind my methods. I've suffered from clinical depression for more than half of my life, but I've beaten it to be crowing about it today. And I'll say that external advice and wisdom is well-intentioned--it really is. But what helped me more than anything was discovering the Truth for myself, and essentially all alone, to come to a plane of genuine and permanent healing. There hasn't been any back-stepping, no reversion, or any regression, because when when you have a belief that has such a genuine emotional resonance inside of you, to where every facet of your existence is humming in accordance with it--and you're crying with relief and joy with a wet, sloppy grin and puffy eyes all while driving back home after cursing out your mother, and kicking your dog on the way out--then you've literally arrived at a very new place where components according with the Truth can work for the first time in a long time with you! It's no wonder that you haven't seen any relief or even the light of day around your parts yet, when you haven't yet traveled to that very real, almost physical place. Aha! And thank goodness that it is exceedingly simple, but profoundly life-changing to accomplish. I'll guide you through helping yourself to arrive there, and then outline how to begin recreating your life along your desires and even fantasies. It's all possible, but only if you get down to the Truth, which is often occluded and misrepresented in other offerings and advice labeled as "wisdom" and "help." I've actually been there and lived there for twelve or so years (I have physical scars on my left wrist and arm that are that old), then bloomed my way out miraculously all in the following fashion, and proceeded to develop progressively--all in joy. I kinda know what the Hell is going on and what to do to transcend it. So, now for some alleviating and delicious balm! Again, I'll say that it makes me just too happy to be doing this for you--doing what it is in my power to do to help you feel good, then AMAZING!
Imagine a young enough girl so depressed that she can't see her way out of anything. Her eyes are little, black pools that reflect nothing. She doesn't eat. She doesn't sleep, yet she can't stay awake, either. Everything surrounding her seems overwhelming and oppressive; it's too much to get out of bed to look at the light of day. Her breathing is labored and reluctant. It physically hurts to move. And, oh, the tears have stopped coming. They stopped months ago; the will to cry has been exhausted, and the will to continue living is gradually flickering away to a dimming cinder. She has stopped showering and changing clothes, her once healthy and long, thick hair is a mess of matts and tanlges that has to be cut to a thin bob to rest right under her chin. She's given up on considerations and efforts. She's wasted away to 100lbs of nothing. Even those who love her the most are in a state of despair at the obvious tragedy looming about her. She's been committed to emergency hospital visits to the psychiatric ward to spend extended time under the supervision of doctors who have held her there for own safety and the safety of those around her. There have been several medication adjustments. There have been evaluations. But there is still this despair defeating everything. It's all just a matter of time and how, really, before..
That was me! Woo, BOY, was that ever me! I was stinky and nappy-headed, and--all jokes aside--absolutely destroyed. And sadly enough, I know that there are just WAY too many others who know all-too-well of what I was experiencing. And there are some that even know worse. And this is not good. This is not supposed to be the substance of anyone's life! This absence of quality doesn't suit anyone, and it truly leaves much to be desired--if the afflicted person even has the will to do so, which I didn't for the longest time. And it becomes so oppressive until there are no visible options, save for the single permanent solution to what I am now able to call my temporary (even though it spanned a majority of my young life's) problem.
The Truth
Happiness is really a personal thing. We've all heard the Universal idiom declaring to us that happiness comes from the inside! Yes, and yes! It's been recited in every language and tone of voice. Religious leaders and founders have agreed upon and taught the same very thing. But what is missing is alot of instruction I'd say! Wouldn't you? It's not enough to know. If it were, why, there'd be no market for antidepressants (and I've been prescribed most everyone out there at least once), and no one would be doing any suffering. No one would cry. No one would have to self-medicate and resort to other escapism. No one would have to ever ask themselves 'What IS the point in going on?' No one would just get tired of living from day to day, experiencing the same exhausting and defeating pain and suffering of the disease. No one would have to reach out for help out of desperation, or even search for this article that I've written for you.
But this is just not the case. I know that it's not, and that's why I bother to continue. And this is NOT how life is supposed to be. "That's life!" "Cest la vie!" These are ways of saying that "okay" and sometimes even "downright miserable" are plenty good enough for you. And it's absolutely not. Good enough isn't good at all.
What is actually good enough is for each of us to be happy and joyful with the blessing of life that we have. It really is a gift, and it's such a crime when it feels as if it has become a burden for you! Happiness comes from the inside, yes, and it is quite possible to acknowledge this and rendezvous with this happiness by introducing new things into your life that perform some massive overhaul to leave you feeling light and free.
We are all about our thoughts and emotions. It can never be stressed enough--it's all in your head. In fact, the way that you react to things, has a direct effect on what happens next in your life. I absolutely do not believe in putting a happy "sticker" onto a very bad or painful situation. This is fake and it gets you nowhere except disappointed and more frustrated. You don't have to "fake it 'till you make it." This makes you feel worse. Instead, just focus on your feelings. The most important thing is only to feel better. The better you feel the better it gets.
When you consider your grief, your suffering, and any of your other bad feelings, what does it feel like? Knots in your stomach, headache, tears down your cheek, so much pain until you wish that the world would disappear? Yes, I know. Now, consider some things that you are grateful for. Both of your parents are alive and well. Your uncle didn't die after his heart attack and his son still has a father. Your brother is unscathed after a car accident. Your dog came back home. That surgery went well. Your grandmother is still alive and loving you! Yay, Team MiMaw! You have no disabilities. You aren't in chemotherapy losing your hair while your family watches you deteriorate from radiation therapy. Your mother doesn't have to watch you take a load of pills everyday to combat HIV. You don't have to worry about distance in your once significant, main relationships because of fear and discomfort surrounding you having AIDS. You don't have to go without a single kiss from someone you love because they are damned scared to be near you. You're not pregnant this month--whatever you feel grateful for and whatever it it takes to make you say 'thank you' with a smile on your face and even tears in your eyes. It feels damned good right? Cathartic? It's like a burden being lifted and you feel free and light. This all just does to demonstrate the power of emotions, thus the power in reactions. They are so powerful because:
Your Thoughts and Feelings Dictate The Flow of Your Life
That's right--everything that is in your life right now is due to your own conditioning and creation. It's a bit scary and offensive to take full responsibility and make peace with the fact that we are the sole designers of our lives alone. I'll soften the blow and facilitate the unfolding of this accusatory information in your own mind.
You know the days. You roll out of bed sighing and immediately proclaiming it to be One of Those Days. Your shower water is way too cold and you're shivering. You don't have any breakfast. You go through several changes of clothes, but nothing seems to just suit you satisfactorily. You brew coffee and go for a sip, but it's way too hot, and you end up spilling all down your blouse. You attempt to clean it, but it only succeeds in placing you several minutes behind schedule. You rush out the door wearing one earring and trip on your way to the car. You seat yourself inside to find that you have absolutely no gas... I could go on, but you get the flow. You already know because you've been there, you are there. I've been there too.
And then at the opposite scale, there are people like the person whom I have become, living in rare form. I always wear killer makeup. My clothing choices always flatter and please me. I always find a close parking spot. I hear my favorite songs on the radio when I drive around all of the time. People always smile and greet me for pleasant exchanges. People are drawn to me. I find myself feeling good and wearing a magnetic grin that beams outward so radiantly that observers feel the magic infusing them as well. I'm always in love with the next book that I'm reading and it nourishes me. I eat my favorite foods all of the time. I'm friends with gorgeous, tall, broad-shouldered men with large forearms, blue eyes, and blonde hair. I recognize my stream of desired life rendezvousing with me, and it pumps me up and excites me into the next big thing unfolding before me... I could easily go on here, as well, but you can identify the flow. I surely can!
And now, I'll tell you the differing component between these two glimpses of what could be, and have been, the daily living of the same person. I'll tell you the only thing keeping you and anyone away from going from crying themselves to sleep at night to beautiful days and sweet dreams (while sleeping next to one of the Calvin Klein model-type of men that I have only just described). And that's only your thoughts and emotions.
Hmmm? Thoughts and emotions are key. You knew this, we all know this, but what most fail at doing is grasping the connection, and then effectively implementing such a beneficial practice, excuse me, lifestyle, into their own lives. And I'll guide right to that:
When you feel good, you feel very, very good. And when it's bad, it's miserable! But don't get consumed in the miserable feelings despite the very real miserable situation. Make your mind your playground, because it's actually your Life Laboratory. You thoughts and your subsequent emotions are dictating the flow of your entire life's expression, and I cannot, cannot make that clear enough. When you feel good, the Universe picks up on that vibration and offers you situations that match the vibe that you are putting out. When you are offering only mostly shitty thoughts about your current shitty place in life out to the world, then it also reacts in kind. It's not cruel, it's just the balance of the Universe holding true to the Universal Laws! Feel good or feel bad--the work is the same. But feeling good can send you on your way to discovering the magic in the mundane, and making the proof pop up in your personal, individual life that confirms these Universal Laws. You could be on your way right now to intentionally only offering a vibration that causes the Universe to miraculously deliver to you the life of your absolute dreams if you would be consistent. And the Universe is one colossal power. It will literally move mountains and combine forces in massive ways to deliver unto you that which is like your offered vibration--because it has absolutely no choice but to comply. It's job is only ever to comply. And the sum of your life's experiences are all the results of the Universe complying to the particular dominant vibration that you have been emitting. How about that?! Woah!
The Universal Laws
This Universal Law is called the Law of Attraction, and it has been in existence since the beginning of the world. In fact, it is THE actual reason behind any of our physical realities to actually come into existence. How powerful! The Law proclaims:
"That which is like is drawn unto itself."
Change your vibrations right now, and I promise that the proof will begin emerging into your own life! And now for details!
The Mechanism and Method
The mechanism is this: when you have a thought, the emotion is like fuel. The stronger the emotion, and thus, the stronger the vibration, the stronger the proof, or the "manifestations" will become reality to you. And there is the tipping point! It only takes 51% of consistent good vibrations to make a positive and obvious change into your life. Try it. And people will ask, "What has happened to you?!" And you'll be all smiles when you tell them that It's magic! It actually has a basis in quantum science. It's about the pulling power of electrons in the zero-point field of all possibilities. An electron's wave function says that it can be at two places at once. There can be parallel realities--we get to choose which one we indulge in. I won't go further into the metaphysics behind all of this, but trust me when I suggest that you consider the value in this school of thought and of Science, and that it pays to be absolutely inductive and electronegative--like Flourine!
To change any life experience, offer a thought, add strong emotion, and allow the manifestation. To even create a new reality to take the place of your current one, the steps are the same:
1) Ask for your desire.
2) Do the emotional labour.
3) Allow with no resisting.
And the strongest emotion that we all have is Love! So, go about living what you Love! Get to creating a reality for yourself that you absolutely Love!
When you do this consistently, the Universe has no options but to deliver accordingly. The purer and stronger your offered emotions and vibrations are, the faster things begin to unfold. It truly is that simple, but the simple things in life often get occluded in this day. I'll include some links and other information and the end of this chapter for you to indulge in, that will further your research and augment your understanding. It is my absolute promise that your life will never be the same again. I know, because mine isn't. It's hard to recognize myself these days, and I couldn't be more thrilled.
Reach for better feeling thoughts all of the time. When you find yourself feeling unwell, it is the physical evidence that your emotions are not in the correct place. It is common sense that bad emotions feel bad, while good ones feel great. So, use this as an indicator of when you need to do some emotional labour. And you don't need to only offer good feelings about the active thought in your mind. If your ex has just kicked you out of what used to be your home, I know that you won't be able to genuinely offer any good thoughts and feelings about that bastard. And that's why I'll tell you this secret, this little trick. It doesn't matter what your good feelings are about! Go on to make a list of the things that you appreciate and Love in your life to get your emotions soaring, just like I illustrated earlier in this chapter. It is the sole reason for why I have a label for my blog posts dedicated to listing what I am thankful for and what I am absolutely happy about in my own life! And I do it regularly. What do you think that does for my vibration? What then does it do for physical reality, which is only ever the sum of manifested proof of the nature of my dominant vibrations? Exactly. Look around at the world surrounding yourself. What have you been vibrating? Is there room for improvement in some major areas (and there most certainly always is--even for me)? Then follow the steps, and implement it as a lifestyle choice for yourself and don't look back.
Overhauling Your Life Further
While, the Law of Attraction is the sole factor writing out your Life's experience, it never hurts to help yourself as well!
1) Take a multivitamin everyday. I'm anemic, and when I take my Centrum Chewables (I can't swallow pills), I feel GREAT!
2) Re-evaluate the roles of caffeine and nicotine in your life. I'll never be the one to tell you to quit (I'd be such a HUGE hypocrite). But do evaluate things a little. I haven't had coffee in a habitual fashion for months. I don't have nearly as many nicotine cravings as I used to, and I don't miss it!
3) Talk to your doctor. This is a big, obvious one. If you feel as if you have a mental illness or disorder, you may need professional help you steer you into a way of getting into a better frame of mind. Everyone's life is supposed to feel good! Depression/Anxiety don't have to be your prison! They don't have a choke hold on me anymore. None of this is intended to take the place of the role of your medical doctor. But when you find yourself feeling so well that you don't need your antidepressants anymore, I'll high-five you, because this simply works. That is its only purpose and it's only obligation. It complies with you. That's the beauty in it all. We each create for ourselves a haven, or chaos.
4) Make lists of gratitude everyday. Regularly noting things to be thankful for ensures that there is plenty more of it for you, and it raises your vibration so that other good things can come your way. Soon, you will be overloaded with so many good things, that the only thing you will be able to say is "Thank you," and guess where that, in turn, will lead you?
5) Meditate. Meditation is a way to rid your mind of any resistant thought that hinders manifestations from immediately taking place. Remember that it is better to feel nothing than it is to feel a potentially resistant thought or emotion, which can only lead to unpleasant experiences popping up into your own life.Less resistance equals faster reactions. No resistance equals immediate manifestation!
6) Do some exercises. I do them on my blog quite regularly. They are the emotional labour kind, where I consider the thoughts and emotions that I am emitting, and do what it takes to send myself soaring higher and higher. It is a lifestyle choice of mine, and I hope that it will become one for you, as well. I have never been the same, and I am never looking back.
7) Be persistent. Persistence is key. Remember the 51% rule. That's all it takes. And what do you think will happen if you practice feeling good for 52%, for even 67% of the time? Oh, it makes me so excited just to think about it!
8) Enjoy the ride. None of this is supposed to feel like actual "labour." I use that term almost sarcastically. Your life is supposed to feel good, and that means that the actual journey of going anywhere emotionally is supposed to feel good, as well. Be easy about it all, and find pleasure in steadily and perpetually sending yourself along in the creation and experience of Life along your own desires.
Ah, now doesn't THAT feel GOOD? It's the most important thing.
Thank You and Much Love Your Way
I have enjoyed writing this so much. It truly has made me feel so good. Treasure the Truth and wisdom of it. Let it work for you and allow wonderful things to begin happening for you right now. You are supposed to feel amazing--RIGHT NOW. Let the massive change unfold. Do the simple things to go about achieving that, and I promise that things will change. They have no other choice but to do so. The Universal Laws have only the job of cooperating with you. You should start cooperating with yourself, dear. Keep seeking. I works. It complies. It has worked miracles for me. Oh, and it has quite literally saved my life. Just saying.
I can't wait to hear about your new Life! It fuels me for ages! Think about what it will do for YOU!
With love, and love, and LOVE,
Resources and Further Information
a few books directly from my large collection; sure to be of immense help! like my pink blanket?
- The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra (This is the book that was given to me by one of my guests in the restaurant where I work! The Law of Attraction in action for you!)
- Ask and It Is Given The Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- The Idiot's Guide® to The Law of Attraction by Diane Ahlquist
- The Secret the Power by Rhonda Byrne
- http://www.abraham-hicks.com -- The Teachings of Abraham; leaders in the Law of Attraction appreciation recently sweeping the world
- http://www.theabeforum.com -- Forum for Abraham followers
- And if you identify with being Christian more or less, then listen to this song called "Watch Him Move" by the Canton Spirituals. I only just heard it yesterday, and I knew then that I had to share it.
- http://www.designer-life.com/blog/ --
- RousingVenus --where I’ll be waiting for you to share, offer feedback, crow about your life, brag, etc. I cannot wait, my dears! Let’s rendezvous then and there; it’s a date.
Being Happy, Feeling Good “Going from Clinical Depression to Having the Midas Touch in Your Regal Life!”
a massive, original article by ♥cherry at RousingVenus.co.cc (not to be re-sold or used for profit without explicit consent given from the author, cherry, at www.rousingvenus.co.cc)

thank you, my Love! it IS massive, isn't it? i'm so proud to have it published. i hope that anyone can enjoy reading it half as much as i enjoyed creating it! full of good, loving encouragement from someone who's been facedown on the ground (literally and figuratively).
ReplyDeleteI Just wanted to let you know that this is so amazing! Thanks for posting this, it was a great read!
ReplyDeleteyou are especially welcome, as always, Bryanne! and thank YOU for spending time here with my flighty emissions! keep that positive energy in cycle, and it will return to you augmented. good stuff, right?