i LOVE Google. i just do.
Mate Kamaras looks like my theatrical blonde vampire husband from my smutty romantic musical fantasies. and, yeah--he does resemble my ex fiance. so he's ALL my type.
i am equally distracted by his pants in the front and by his pants in the back. i'd ask Santa to put him under my Christmas tree, but i'd settle for any pine tree, or oak. or just about anywhere.
gotta love Rocky Horror tunes. i'm just a sweet transvestite! again:
pants in the front, pants in the back. he might be gay as a maypole and a three-dollar bill, but he's still male, which is all it takes for me to perve.
and he's wiggling his ass. please, God, LET HIM.
mmmmm... wait, i have to actually DO things and be involved in shit today? what is this that you speak of, this "being productive?"
HUGE TALENT; i like. |
that being said, he should totally play as Lestat in a movie or musical, or the like. he's beautiful. and he better not encounter me in a dark alley. i'm voted
"Most Likely to be Arrested for Rape" among my friends.
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